by Carl Djerassi

[* denotes books]




1.         Paul Klee at Bard. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) In The Graphic Legacy of Paul Klee, Edith C. Blum Art Institute, The Bard College Center, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, pp. 10-11 (1983).




2.         Why Are Chemists Not Poets? by Carl Djerassi (Poem) In Proceedings of the Alfred Benzon Symposium 20, (P. Krogsgaard-Larsen, S. Broger Christensen, and Helmer Kofod, eds.) Munksgaard, Copenhagen, pp. 548-549 (1984).


3.         Morphine and Related Opioid Analgesics. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) In Proceedings of the Alfred Benzon Symposium 20, (P. Krogsgaard-Larsen, S. Broger Christensen, and Helmer Kofod, eds.) Munksgaard, Copenhagen, pp. 448-449 (1984).


4.         Lingonberries Are Not Sufficient. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Cumberland Poetry Review, 3, 63 (1984).


5.         Concordance Browsing. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Wallace Stevens Journal, 8, 108 (Fall 1984).


6.         Pure Scientist, You Look With Nice Aplomb. by Carl Djerassi Poem) Wallace Stevens Journal, 8, 109 (Fall 1984).


7.         Vocalissima. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Wallace Stevens Journal, 8, 110 (Fall 1984).


8.         Introduction to Paul Klee: Selections from the Djerassi Collection, by Carl Djerassi, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, pp. 2-5 (1984).




9.         Two Egyptians Being Served by a Nazi. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Wallace Stevens Journal, 9, 52 (Spring 1985).


10.       The Twins. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Wallace Stevens Journal, 9, 118 (Fall 1985).




11.       Introduction to Paul Klee: Figurative Graphics from the Djerassi Collection, by Carl Djerassi, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, p. 5 (1986).


12.       The Clock Runs Backwards. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Kenyon Review, 8, 91 (Winter 1986).


13.       Catalyst. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Kenyon Review, 8, 93 (Winter 1986).


14.       The Next Birthday. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Kenyon Review, 8, 94 (Winter 1986).


15.       Amour d’Arthropode (III). by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Current Contents, 26, 4 (1986).


16.       Introduction to Quartet (by Lewis Thomas). by Carl Djerassi, Arif Press, Berkeley, California, pp. 5-7 (1986).


17.       Cocksure. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Metrosphere, Issue 4, p. 84 (1986-87).


18.       Castor’s Dilemma. by Carl Djerassi (Short Story) Hudson Review, 39, 405 (1986).




19.       My Island. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) The Midwest Quarterly, 28, 214 (1987).


20.       Diary Entry (11 August 1983). by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Sands 1987, 10 (1987).


21.       Wallace Stevens Was Right. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Sands 1987, 12 (1987).


22.       What’s Tatiana Troyanos Doing in Spartacus’ Tent? by Carl Djerassi (Short Story) Exquisite Corpse, 5, 9 (1987).


23.       Maskenfreiheit. by Carl Djerassi (Short Story) The Crescent Review, 5 (2) (1987).


24.       Introduction to Pattern and Process: Nature and Architecture in the Work of Paul Klee. by Carl Djerassi San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, p. 5 (1987).


25.       Three Variations on a Theme by Callosobruchus. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) New Letters, 54, 112 (Fall 1987).


26.       Godfather I. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) New Letters, 54 (1), 113 (Fall 1987).




27.       Why Are Chemists Seldom Poets? by Carl Djerassi (Poem) South Dakota Review, 26, 128 (Summer 1988).


28.       Introduction to The In-Between-World of Paul Klee. by Carl Djerassi, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, p. 5 (1988).


29.       The Quest for Alfred E. Neuman by Carl Djerassi (Memoir). Grand Street, 8, 167 (1988).


30.       The Toyota Cantos. by Carl Djerassi (Short Story) Frank (Paris), No. 10, p. 90 (1988).


31.*     The Futurist and Other Stories. by Carl Djerassi (Short Story Collection) Futura Publications (paperback), London (U.K.), 159 pp. (1988); Macdonald & Co. (hardback), London 1988..


32.       What’s Tatiana Troyanos Doing in Spartacus’ Tent? by Carl Djerassi (Short Story), Cosmopolitan (U.K.), p. 233 (December 1988).


33.       My Island. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Anthology of Magazine Verse, 1986-1988 edition (Alan F. Pater, ed.), Monitor Book Company, Beverly Hills, California, pp. 136-137.




34.       Cleansing My Doors of Perception. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) Michigan Quarterly Review, 28, 123 (Winter 1989).


35.       Dear Mrs. Roosevelt.” by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) Hudson Review, XLII (1), 61 (1989).


36.       My Very First Divorce. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) Hudson Review, XLII (1), 65 (1989).


37.       Castor’s Dilemma. by Carl Djerassi (German translation of short story) Nachrichten aus Chemie, 37, 403 (1989).


38.       Degas’ Horse. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) New Letters, 55, (2), 13 (Winter 1988/89). (Winner of Dorothy Churchill Cappon Essay Award.)


39.       Spider at an Exhibition. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Poet & Critic, 20:3, p. 15 (1989).


40.       Kinshasha to Brussels. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) Exquisite Corpse, 7:6-9, p. 22 (1989)


41.       Catalyst. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) The Kenyon Poet (Anthology), p. 111 (1989).


42.       My Island. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) The Kenyon Poet (Anthology), p. 112 (1989).


43.       The Next Birthday. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) The Kenyon Poet (Anthology), p. 113 (1989).


44.       White House Enemy. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) Negative Capability, IX(1), p. 122 (1989).


45.       I Have Nothing Left to Say. by Carl Djerassi (Poem) Negative Capability, IX, p. 65 (1989).


46.*     Cantor’s Dilemma. by Carl Djerassi, Doubleday, New York, 231 pp. (1989).




47.       The Big Drop. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) The Hudson Review, XLII(4), p. 565 (1990).


48.       Freud and I. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) The Southern Review, 26 (1), p. 42 (1990).


49.       Wien, Wien, nur du allein by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) (erroneously published as Wein, Wein, nur du allein...) The Exquisite Corpse, 8, (5-9), p. 37 (1990).


50.*     Cantor’s Dilemma. by Carl Djerassi (Novel) Macdonald, London (U.K.), 230 pp. (1990).


51.*     Steroids Made it Possible. by Carl Djerassi (Scientific Autobiography) American Chemical Society Books, Washington, DC; 205 pages (1990). (ISBN 0-8412-1773-4)




52.       Cash for Creativity. By Carl Djerassi (Book Review: The Need to Give by Andrew Sinclair). Times Lit. Suppl., January 4, 1991.


53.       A Scattering of Ashes. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir) The Hudson Review, XLIII, No. 4, pp. 571-581 (1991).


54.*     Cantor’s Dilemma. by Carl Djerassi (Paperback Edition) Penguin Books, New York, 230 pages (1991) ((ISBN 978-0-14-014359-1).


55.*     Cantors Dilemma. by Carl Djerassi Translated into German by Ursula-Maria Mössner). Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 276 pages (1991).


56.*     The Clock Runs Backward. by Carl Djerassi (Poetry Chapbook) Story Line Press, Brownsville, OR; 55 pages (1991).


57.       Some Forms of Art Patronage. by Carl Djerassi Bulletin of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, XLIV, (7), pp. 51-68 (1991).


58.*     Cantor’s Dilemma. by Carl Djerassi (Paperback Edition) Futura Publications, London, 230 pages (1991) (ISBN 978-0-14-014359-1).


59.       Was macht Tatiana Troyanos in Spartakus Zelt? by Carl Djerassi (Translated into German by Ingeborg Kuhn.) Der Rabe, Nr. 30, 419-423 (Haffmans Verlag, Zurich) (1991).


60.*     Der Futurist und andere Geschichten. by Carl Djerassi (Translated into German by Ursula-Maria Mössner.) Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 189 pages (l991).


61.       Der Psomophile. by Carl Djerassi (German translation of short story.) Spiegel Spezial, 3, p. 98 (1991).


62.       How I Beat Coca-Cola: A Science Fiction. by Carl Djerassi (Short Story). South Dakota Review, 29 (4), pp. 46-61 (Winter 1991).




63.       Ein Rhinozeros hat meine Rolex geschluckt. by Carl Djerassi (Memoir. Translated into German by Ursula-Maria Mössner.) Der Rabe, Nr. 30, pp. 26-30, Haffmans Verlag, Zurich (1992).


64.       Was macht Tatiana Troyanos in Spartakus Zelt?“ (German translation of short story.) Das Raben Taschenbuch 160, Nr. 63, pp. 419-423, Haffmans Verlag, Zürich (1992).


65.*     The Pill, Pygmy Chimps, and Degas’ Horse: An Autobiography. by Carl Djerassi Basic Books, New York, 319 pp. (1992).


66.*     Le Dilemme de Cantor. by Carl Djerassi (French translation by Josette Chicheportiche et Natalie Levisalles.) Editions Balland, Paris, France, 345 pp. (paperback edition) (1992).


67.*     Die Mutter der Pille - Autobiographie. by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner.) Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 521 pp. (1992). (ISBN 3-251-00205-8).


68.       I Have Nothing Left to Say.” by Carl Djerassi (Poem) In: Life on the Line (Anthology), ed. by Sue B. Walker & Rosaly D. Roffman. Negative Capability Press, Mobile, AL, p. 92 (1992).




69        Managing Competing Interests: Chastity vs. Promiscuity” by C. Djerassi in “Ethics, Values, and the Promise of Science” Forum Proceedings, Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1993, pp. 31 – 45.


69a.     Die Uhr läuft rückwärts” (The Clock Runs Backward [Poem]) In: Der Rabe, Nr. 35, pp. 94-96, Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, (1993).


70.       Die Uhr laüft rückwärts” (The Clock Runs Backward by Carl Djerassi [Poem]) in Kiesstrasse Zwanzig Uhr (ed. Jürgen Lentes), Frankfurt, pp. 180-185 (1993).


71.*     Das Bourbaki Gambit. by Carl Djerassi German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner.) Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 278 pp. (1993).


72.*     The Pill, Pygmy Chimps, and Degas' Horse: An Autobiography. by Carl Djerassi Basic Books, New York, paperback edition, 319 pp. (1993).


73.*     Cantors Dilemma by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner). Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich, paperback edition, 287 pp. (1993).


74.*     Il futurista e altri racconti by Carl Djerassi (Italian translation by Adriana Crespi Bortolini). Sellerio editore Palermo, 174 pp. (1993).


75.*     Der Futurist und andere Geschichten. by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner). Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich, paperback edition, 188 pp. (1993).




76.*     Cantor’s Dilemma by Carl Djerassi (Japanese translation). Bungeishunju, Tokyo, 379 pp. (1994).


77.*     El Dilema de Cantor by Carl Djerassi (Spanish translation by Maria Urquidi). Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 194 pp. (1994).


78.       Wachstum und die Folgen” by Carl Djerassi in  Kleine Weltebevölkerungs-Fibel, p. 31, 1994. Haffmans Verlag, Zürich


79.*     La Pillola, gli Scimpanzé Pigmei el Cavalli di Degas by Carl Djerassi (Italian translation by Marco Ferrari). Garzanti Editore s.p.a., Milano, 389 pp., (1994).


80.*     The Bourbaki Gambit. by Carl Djerassi. University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia, 230 pp. (1994).


81.*     Marx, verschieden by Carl Djerassi. (German translation of Marx, deceased by Ursula-Maria Mössner). Haffmans Verlag, Zurich. 276 pages (1994).


82.*     From the Lab into the World: A Pill for People, Pets, and Bugs (Collected essays) by Carl Djerassi, Am. Chem. Soc. Books, Washington, D.C., 230 pp. (1994).


83.       1991 Kein Jahr der Pille” by Carl Djerassi in Der Rabe, No. 42, pp. 169-184. Haffmans Verlag, Zurich (1994).




84.       The Physics of a Man’s Emotional Life” by Carl Djerassi (book review of Good Benito by Alan Lightman) San Francisco Chronicle 1.29.95


85.*     Djerassi: De La Chimie des Hormones a La Pilule. (French translation of autobiography), Editions Belin, Paris, 415 pp. (1995).


86.       Die Suche nach Alfred E. Neuman” by Carl Djerassi in Der Rabe No. 43, pp. 137-144. Haffmans Verlag, Zurich (1995).


87.       Noblesse Oblige” by Carl Djerassi in Freundin (Munich semimonthly), No. 24 (Nov. 8, 1995) pp. 171-180.


88.*     Das Bourbaki Gambit by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner) Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich, paperback edition, 283 pp. (1995).




89.*     Die Mutter der Pille by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner) Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich, paperback edition, 539 pp. (1996).


90.*     La Píldora, Los Chimpancés Pigmeos y el Caballo de Degas by Carl Djerassi (Spanish translation by Roberto Elier and Hugo Martínez Moctezuma) Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, paperback edition, 381 pp. (1996).


91.       Darf ich Sie Kosten?” (“May I Taste You?”) by Carl Djerassi in Die Neue Klassische Sau (Handbook of Literary High-Eroticism), pp.298-300, Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 1996.


92.*     Marx, Deceased, by Carl Djerassi The University of Georgia Press, Athens, 218 pp., (1996). (ISBN 9-780820-318356)


93.*     Bourbaki et spil om magt by Carl Djerassi (Danish translation by Ingeborg Christensen), Fremad, Copenhagen, 264 pp., (1996).


94.*     The Bourbaki Gambit, by Carl Djerassi (paperback edition), Penguin-USA, New York, 230 pp. (1996). (ISBN9-780-140-254853)


95.*     Menachems Same by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 245 pp. (1996).


96.*     Cantor’s Dilemma by Carl Djerassi (Chinese translation by Jenny Yang et al and revised by Chai-li Wu), Unitas Publication Company, Taipei, 283 pp. (1996)


97.*     El Gambito de Bourbaki by Carl Djerassi (Spanish translation by Leticia Garcia Urriza) Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, paperback edition, 240 pp. (1996).




98.       From the Pill to the Pen, by Carl Djerassi Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series,    Volume 26, pp.85-107. Gale Research, Detroit (1997).


99.*     Menachem’s Seed, by Carl Djerassi, University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA., 196 pp. (1997).


100.     ICSI, by Carl Djerassi (Sample scene from Play) “Reduce to the Max” -- Micro Compact Car AG, Biel, Switzerland (1997) in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch promotion for Mercedes Smart Car.


101.     Passionate Minds, Chapter 2 titled Blemished Heroes, pp. 8-16, (by Lewis Wolpert and Alison Richards), Oxford University Press, Oxford (1997).




*102.   Von der Pille zum PC, by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haffmans

            Verlag, Zurich, 80 pp. (1998).


*103.   NO, by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 335 pp. (1998).


104.     In Retrospect:  The Struggles of Albert Woods, by Carl Djerassi, Nature, 392, 244 (1998).


105.     Ethical Discourse by Science-in Fiction, by Carl Djerassi Nature, 393, 511-513 (1998).


*106.   Dilemata na Kantor by Carl Djerassi (Bulgarian translation by R. Radeva) Marin Drinov Publ. House, Bulg. Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 185 pp. (1998).


107.     Was macht Tatiana Troyanos in Spartakus’ Zelt? by Carl Djerassi in Das Grosse Heyne Jubiläums Buch, Heyne Verlag, Munich, pp. 565-568 (1998).


*108.   Menachem’s Seed by Carl Djerassi (paperback), Penguin-USA, New York, 196 pp. (1998) (ISBN 9-780-140-277944)


*109.   NO, by Carl Djerassi University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, 276 pp. (1998).


 110.    The Pill is the Pill is the Pill, by Carl Djerassi Los Angeles Times Commentary, September 10, 1998, p. B9.


111.        Surely you’re joking by Carl Djerassi (Book review of Dancing Naked in the Mind Field by Kary Mullis), New Scientist, September 21, 1998, p. 51.


112.        Dylemat Profesora Cantora by Carl Djerassi (Polish translation of short story by Janusz Stanny), Magazyn Gazety NR 41 (292) 1998, p. 74-79.


113.    Science-in-fiction ist nicht Science Fiction: Ist sie Autobiographie? by Carl Djerassi in “Fiction in Science – Science in Fiction. Zum Gespräch zwischen Literatur und Wissenschaft” (ed. W. Schmidt-Dengler), Verlag Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna, pp. 71 – 104, 1998.




114.     On the Pill:  A Social History of Oral Contraceptives, 1950 – 1970 by Carl Djerassi (Review of book by Elizabeth Siegel Watkins), New England Journal of Medicine, February 11, 1999, Volume 340, pp. 485 – 486.


115.     Der entmachtete Mann oder:  Sex im Zeitalter der technischen Fortpflanzung, by Carl Djerassi in DIE ZEIT (Hamburg), No. 27, July 1, 1999, p. 28


*116.   O Dilema de Cantor by Carl Djerassi (paperback), (Portuguese translation of Cantor’s Dilemma  by Flávia Terra Cunha) Editora Nova Fronteira (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), 292 pp. (1999).


117.          Under the covers or under a lens by Carl Djerassi (book review of Designing Babies by Roger Gosden), Nature, 22 July 1999, No. 6742, p. 327.


*118.   The Bourbaki Gambit, by Carl Djerassi (Chinese translation by Jih-Li Chang and Chai-Li Wu), Unitas Publication Company, Taipei, 321 pp. (1999)


*119.   Menachem’s Seed, by Carl Djerassi (Chinese translation by Ding-Chi Chang), Unitas Publication Company, Taipei, 287 pp. (1999)


*120.   NO, by Carl Djerassi (Chinese translation by Zy-Yin Chiu), Unitas Publication Company, Taipei, 343 pp. (1999)


121.          The Century of A.R.T.” by Carl Djerassi in “Predictions” (S. Griffiths, ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999, pp. 76-84.


122.          Useful Work” by Carl Djerassi in “Profession 1999” (P. Franklin, ed.), The Modern Language Association of America, 1999, pp. 36-48.




*123.  Unbefleckt, by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Bettina Arlt), Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 113 pp. (2000).


124.    Erektion” by Carl Djerassi in “Die Allerneueste klassische Sau,” Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 1999, pp. 75–84.


125.    Erregung in der Oper” by Carl Djerassi in “Die Allerneueste klassische Sau,”Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 1999, pp. 290-293.


*126.  An Immaculate Misconception by Carl Djerassi (paperback), Imperial College Press, London, 2000 (ISBN9-781860-942488).


*127.  Obefläckadby Carl Djerassi (translated into Swedish by Lolo Amble), Bookhouse Publishing, Stockholm 2000, 74 pp.


128.    "Sex and Fertilization: Ready for Divorce?" by Carl Djerassi in NEXT SEX -Ars Electronica 2000 (ed. by G. Stocker & Christine Schöpf), Springer Verlag, Vienna & New York, 2000, pp. 45-52 (English), pp.53-61 (German).


*129.  NO. by Carl Djerassi (Paperback Edition) Penguin Books, New York, .2000, pp. 276 (ISBN  9-780-140-296549)


*130.   Wie ich Coca-Cola schlug, by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haffmans Verlag, Zurich, 216 pp. (2000).


131.     “Science-in-Theatre:  From Oxygen (theater)”by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann in Connecting Creations/Science-Technology-Literature-Arts (ed. by Margery Arent Safir), Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, 2000, pp. 321-332 (English).


132.  “La ciencia en el teatro:  Oxígeno por Carl Djerassi y Roald Hoffmann en Conectando creaciones/Ciencia-Tecnología-Literatura-Arte (Editado por Margery Arent Safir), Centro Galego de Arte Contempor Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, 2000, pp. 351-363 (Spanish).


*133.   Marx, el difunto. by Carl Djerassi (Paperback Edition) (Spanish translation by Leticia García Urriza), Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico 2000, 228 pp.


*134.  La píldora anticonceptiva 40 AÑOS de impacto social, Publicaciones M.V., Bogota Colombia, 2000, Foreword by Carl Djerassi, pp. 6-9. (Spanish)


*135.  La pílula anticoncepcional 40 ANOS de impacto social, Publicacones M.V., Bogota Colombia, 2000, Foreword by Carl Djerassi, pp. 6-9. (Portuguese)




*136.   Oxygen by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann, (paperback), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2001, 119 pp.


137.     From Oxygen A Play in Two Acts by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann, The Kenyon Review & Stand Magazine, Volume XXIII Number 2, Spring 2001, Stand, Volume 2 (4)/3(1), March 2001 (paperback), pp. 221-238.


*138.   La Semilla de Menachem, by Carl Djerassi (paperback edition) (Spanish translation by Marcela Pimentel), Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 2001, 217 pp.


*139.   This Man’s Pill-Sex, Die Kunst und Unsterblichkeit, (hardcover) by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner) Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck, 2001, 235 pp.


*140.   This Man’s Pill – Reflections on the 50th Birthday of the Pill, by Carl Djerassi (hardcover) Oxford University Press, London, New York, 2001, 308 pp. (ISBN 0-19-850872-7)


*141.   Oxygen by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann, (paperback) (German translation by Edwin Ortmann), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2001, 137 pp. (ISBN 3-527-30460-6)


*142.   Die Mutter der Pille (paperback) by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner) Diana Verlag, Munich, Zurich, 2001, 539 pp.


*143.   Cantor’s Dilemma, by Carl Djerassi (Japanese translation by Michio Nakamori), Kodansha, Tokyo, 2001, 317 pp.


*144.   The Bourbaki Gambit, by Carl Djerassi (Japanese translation by Ryoji Nakanishi), Kodansha, Tokyo, 2001, 366pp.


*145.   Marx, Deceased, by Carl Djerassi (Japanese translation by Ryoji Nakanishi), Kodansha, Tokyo, 2001, 366pp.


*146.   NO, by Carl Djerassi (Japanese translation by Naemi McPherson), Kodansha, Tokyo, 2001, 444pp.


*147.   "La Pildora de este hombre: Reflexiones en torno al 50 aniversario de la Pildora", by Carl Djerassi (translation by Abdiel Macias), Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico 2001, 235 pp.


148.     "OXYGEN--A SYNOPSIS" by Carl Djerassi and R. Hoffman in Oxygen: Wissenschaft im Theater (ed. byM-D. Weitze and D. Champion), Deutsches Museum, Munich, 2001, pp.36-39.


149.     "WIE ENTSTAND OXYGEN?" by Carl Djerassi in Oxygen: Wissenschaft im Theater (ed. by M-D. Weitze and D. Champion), Deutsches Museum, Munich, 2001, pp.52-61, ISBN 3-924183-83-x


150.     "Sex und Unsterblichkeit" ("Sex and Immortality") by Carl Djerassi in Sex: Vom Wissen und Wünschen, Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit 2001, pp.197-217.


151.     Wien, Wien, Nur Du Allein” by Carl Djerassi in Das kann einem nur in Wien passieren (Ruth Wodak, Editor), Czernin Verlag, Vienna 2001, pp. 41-43.




*152.   Stammesgeheimnisse, (paperback containing Cantors Dilemma & Das Bourbaki Gambit) by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haymon-Verlag, Innsbruck, 2002, 415 pp.


*153.   Marx, Deceased by Carl Djerassi (paperback) (Chinese translation), Unitas Publication Company, Taipei, 308 pp. (2002).


*154.   Paul Klee: Masterpieces of the Djerassi Collection, edited by Carl Aigner and Carl Djerassi.  Prestel Verlag, Munich, 2002, 151 pages.  Also published in German.


155.     Diary Entry (11 August 1983)” poem reprinted in “Foreword” by Carl Djerassi in From Classical to Modern Chemistry (P.J.T. Morris, editor), RSC/Science Museum, London, 2002, pp. v-vii.


156.     Staccioli at Djerassi” by Carl Djerassi in “Mauro Staccioli in California” (Francesca Pola, editor), Instituto Italiano di Cultura, Los Angeles, 2002, pp. 19-21.


*157.   ICSI-Sex in Zeitalter der technischen Reproduzierbarkeit/ICSI-Sex in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction   by Carl Djerassi (paperback contains both German and English versions) (German translation by Bettina Arlt), Deutscher Theaterverlag, Weinheim, 2002, 99 pp. plus compact disc. (ISBN 3-7695-0297-3)


158.     Metastasen” by Carl Djerassi in “Bürokratie und Subversion” (ed. W. Grünzweig, M. Kleiner & W. Weber), pp. 5-8, LIT Verlag, Münster, 2002.


159.     "Oxygen" by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann (Korean translation by Duckhwan Lee), Freedom Academy, (Korean copyright by Korean Chemical Society), Seoul 2002, 232pp.


*160.   Inmaculada concepción furtiva: El sexo en la era de la reproducción mecánica, by Carl Djerassi (paperback edition) (Spanish translation by Marcela Pimentel), Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 2002, 120 pp.


161      Contemporary Science-in-Theatre: A rare Genre by Carl Djerassi, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 27 (3), 193 (2002).




162. “What’s Popular in Science?” (Closing Lecture) by Carl Djerassi (German language), Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 87, Nr. 325, pp. 243-246 (2003).


*163.   This Man’s Pill – Reflections on the 50th Birthday of the Pill,” by Carl Djerassi (paperback) Oxford University Press, London, New York, 2003, 308 pp.


*164.   ICSI—Sex in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (Chinese translation by Hwang Kwei), Fembooks, Taipei, 2003, 105pp. plus compact disc.


165.     From Oxygen” by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann in Writing on Air, (David Rothenberg and Wandee J. Pryor, Editors), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp.105-113 (2003).


*166.   Kalkül/Unbefleckt:  Zwei Theaterstücke aus der Welt der Wissenschaft,” by Carl Djerassi,  Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck 2003, ISBN 9-7783852-184364)


*167.   Newton’s Darkness:  Two Dramatic Views” (by C. Djerassi and D. Pinner), Imperial College Press, London, 2003 (ISBN9-781860-943904).


*168.   NO--a pedagogic wordplay for 3 voices” by Carl Djerassi and P. Laszlo (paperback contains German, French and English versions; German translation by Bettina Arlt), Deutscher Theaterverlag, Weinheim, 2003, 160 pp. plus compact disc. ISBN 3-7695-0300-7


*169.   Ossigeno (by Carl Djerassi and R. Hoffmann) (paperback)(Italian translation of Oxygen by Daniela Majerna), Clueb, Bologna 2003, pp. 108.


*170.   Il Dilemma Di Cantor by Carl Djerassi (paperback) (Italian translation of Cantor’s Dilemma by Federico Maria Rubino), Di Renzo, Rome, 2003, pp. 340.


*171.   Oxígeno by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann (paperback) (Spanish translation by Abdiel Macías), Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico City, 2003, pp. 100.


*172.   NO by Carl Djerassi (paperback) (Spanish translation by Ana Pelida Rull) Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico City, 2003, pp. 306.


*173.   How I Beat Coca-Cola and Other Stories” (paperback) (Taiwanese translation by Huai-tung Peng) Unitas, Taipei, 2003, pp. 196.


174.     Waiting for the Man” by Carl Djerassi in The Times Literary Supplement  (United Kingdom) of October 31, 2003, p. 25, book review of The Male Pill by Nelly Oudshoorn.


175.     Thoughts on Turning Eighty” (Nur Wissenschafter verleugnen öffentlich ihr Streben nach Ruhm) by Carl Djerassi in Der Standard, Vienna, October 29, 2003, p. 25.


176.     Kann man Forschung verbieten?” by Carl Djerassi in Conturen 01/03, Austria Perspektiv, Vienna, 2003, pp. 52-73.


*177.   Oxygen” by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann (paperback) (Chinese translation by Zhong Aimin), Shanghai Scientific & Technological Education Publishing House, 2003, pp. 150.ISBN 7-5428-3403-7 and 9-787542-834034


*178    Oxygène” by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann (paperback) (French translation by Aimèe & Jean-Michel Kornprobst, Presses Universitaires du Mirail (PUM), Toulouse, 2003, pp. 151.




179.     Science-in-Fiction: Literary Contraband?” by Carl Djerassi in Science, Technology, and the Humanities in Recent American Fiction, (Peter Freese and Charles B. Harris, editors) (paperback) Die Blaue Eule, Essen, 2004, pp. 181-199.



180.     “‘Science-in-Fiction’ and ‘Science-in-Theatre’ as Pedagogic Tools, An Anglo-German Presentation” by Carl Djerassi in Facetten einer Wissenschaft (paperback)(A. Müller, H.-J. Quadbeck-Seeger, E. Diemann, Editors), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004, pp. 299-311.


*181.   Ego: Roman und Theaterstück” by Carl Djerassi (paperback)(German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner) Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck, 2004, pp.285. (ISBN 978-3-85218-448-7)


182.     Science-in-Fiction: Literary Contraband?” by Carl Djerassi in The Holodeck in the Garden: Science and Technology in Contemporary American Fiction, (Peter Freese & Charles B. Harris, editors) (paperback) Dalkey Archive Press, Illinois State University, 2004, pp. 322-333.


183.     Smuggling Science onto the Stage or Page” by Carl Djerassi in Modern Biology & Visions of Humanity (paperback), Multi-Science Publishing Company Ltd, Essex UK, 2004, pp. 201-214.


184      Introdurre la scienza nella pagina o sul palcoscenicoby Carl Djerassi in Biologia Moderna e Visioni Dell’Umanità (paperback) (Italian translation) Casa Editrice Università La Sapienza, Roma, 2004, pp.207-221.


185.     Le traffic de science dans les pages ou sur la scène” by Carl Djerassi in Biologie moderne & Visions de l’Humaniteé (paperback) (French translation) De Boeck & Larcier, Brussels, 2004,  pp.215-230.


*186    Oxigênio” by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann (paperback) (Portuguese-Brazilian translation by Juergen Heinrich Maar), Vieira & Lent  casa editorial, Rio de Janeiro, 2004, pp. 144.


187      Literarisches Schmuggelnby Carl Djerassi in Laborjournal, No. 7-8 (special 10th anniversary issue), pp. 52-52 (2004).


*188    Dalla pillola alla penna by Carl Djerassi (paperback) (Italian translation by Maria Pia Felici), Di Renzo, Rome, 2004, pp. 109.


*189    ICSI: Il sesso nell’epoca della riproduzione meccanica by Carl Djerassi (paperback) (Italian translation by Maria Pia Felici together with English original text), Di Renzo, Rome, 2004, pp. 85.


*190    Sex, Art, and Immortality: This Man’s Pill: Reflections on the 50th Birthday of the Pill” by Carl Djerassi, (paperback) (Chinese translation), Unitas Publication Company, Taipei,. (2004), 273 pp.


191      Competing visions: America in 2023” by C. Djerassi in The United States in Global Contexts: American Studies after 9/11 and Iraq (Walter Grünzweig, ed.), Lit Verlag, Münster 2004, p. 33.


*192    Cantor’s Dilemma” by Carl Djerassi, (paperback) (Chinese translation by Huang Qun), Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House, Shanghai. 2004, pp. 294.




*193    Operazione Bourbakiby Carl Djerassi (paperback) (Italian translation by Francesca Garafoli), Di Renzo, Rome, 2005, pp. 234.


194      Phallacy” by Carl Djerassi (excerpts from play, translated by Ursula-Maria Mössner), in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 53, 407 – 410 (2005).


195      Verwirrte Moralisten” by Carl Djerassi in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Feuilleton section, p. 35, June 18, 2005.


*196    “The Pill, Pygmy Chimp’s, and Degas’ Horse” by Carl Djerassi, (paperback) (Chinese translation by Yao Ning), in “Philosopher’s Stone” series, Shanghai Scientific & Technological Education Publishing House, Shanghai,. 2005, 401 pp.


*197    “A Tabletta: a fogamzásgátlás atyjának önéletrajza by Carl Djerassi (hardback). Hungarian translation (by Ágnes Borbély) of “The Pill, Pygmy Chimps, and Degas’ Horse”, EDGE-2000, Budapest, 2005, pp.397.


*198    Oxigênio” by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann (paperback) (Portuguese translation by Manuel João Monte), Universidade do Porto, Porto, 2005, pp. 175.


*199.   Aufgedeckte Geheimnisse”, (paperback containing Menachems Same & NO—Zwei Romane aus der Welt der Wissenschaft) by Carl Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haymon-Verlag, Innsbruck, 2005, (ISBN 9-783852-184715).




200      Naturwissenschaften in das Bewusstsein schmugglen” by Carl Djerassi in ”Von Science zu Fiction: Wissenschaft mit anderen Worten“ (ed. by E. Krottenthaler und C. v. See), S. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart 2006, pp. 16 – 19.


*201    Calcoloby Carl Djerassi (paperback) (Italian translation of Calculus by Leonarda Anselmo), Di Renzo, Rome, 2006, pp. 93.


*202    Phallstricke/ Tabus:  Zwei Theaterstücke aus den Welten der Naturwissenschaft und der Kunstby Carl Djerassi (translated by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck 2006. (ISBN 9-783852-185026)..


*203    “NOby Carl Djerassi (paperback) (Italian translation of NO by Maria Pia Felici), Di Renzo, Rome, 2006, pp. 287.


204      La Comédie de l’Oxygéne” by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann in Alliage 57-58 Science & Littérature, Nice 2006, pp 107 – 113.


205      Aus schwierigen Verhältnissen” by Carl Djerassi in ZEITWISSEN (Hamburg), No. 3, 2006, pp. 84 – 89.


206      Im Labor wird aus dem Zellklumpen sowieso kein Baby” by C. Djerassi in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Feuilleton section, p. 31, August 4, 2006.


207      “A concrete example: When the cracks begin to show by J.-P. Boon, J. Casti, C. Djerassi, J. Johnson, A. Lovett, T. Norretranders, V. Patera, C. Sommerer, R. Taylor & S. Turner, NATURE, 444 (Nov. 2), 122 (2006).


208      “Lob der Polygamie” (Lichtenberg Medal Address) by C. Djerassi in Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2005 (publ. 2006), pp. 20 – 25  (Festvortrag bei der öffentlichen Sitzung am 18. Nov. 2005, Lichtenberg Medaille.


209      ”Play Scene: Are sex and fertilisation ready for divorce?” by C. Djerassi, THE LANCET, 368, Medicine and Creativity special Issue, Dec. 2006, pp. S55-S57.




210      “When is ‘Science on Stage’ really Science?by C. Djerassi, AMERICAN THEATRE, Vol. 24, No. 1 (January) pp. 96 – 103 (2007).


211      Medical Milestones The pill: Emblem of liberation,” by C. Djerassi, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 334 (suppl.) s15, 2007.


212      When acting speaks louder than words: Science on Stage”, book review by C. Djerassi, PHYSICS TODAY, 60 (No. 2), February 2007, pp. 63-64.


*213    “NOby C. Djerassi (paperback) (Chinese translation of NO by Li Hui), Shanghai People’s Publishing House, Shanghai, 2007, pp. 300.


214      Can research be forbidden” By C. Djerassi in PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD CONGRESS FOR FREEDOM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (Rome,  Feb. 16-18, 2006), Editore Cooper srl, Rome, 2007, pp. 69 – 83.


215      Olympiade der Chemiker” by C. Djerassi in FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE SONNTAGSZEITUNG, 12 August 2007, Nr. 32, p. 26.


216      "Leusuceutics: Opportunity or Curse?" by C. Djerassi, Chem/Med/Chem, 2,           533 (2007)


217      Athletes and Steroids: A Chemist’s Forecast” in SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 7 October 2007, Section E, p. 1.


218      Paul Klee: La Visión de un Coleccionista” by C. Djerassi in PAUL KLEE: LA INFANCIA EN LA EDAD ADULTA, Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderna, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2007 (ISBN978-84-89152-88-5), pp. 70 – 89 (in English & Spanish).




219      Science plays on stage” A Reply by C. Djerassi. PHYSICS TODAY, 61 (No. 2), February 2008, pp. 11-12.


220      "Sport Doping—a double blind proposal" by C. Djerassi, Chem/Med/Chem, 3, 361 – 362 (2008)


221      “Paul Klee: Aus der Sicht des Sammlers” by C. Djerassi in PAUL KLEE FORMENSPIELE (ed. K. A. Schröder &Susanne Berchtold), Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern 2008, pp. 11 -17.


*222    “Vier Juden auf dem Parnass—ein Gespräch: Benjamin, Adorno, Scholem, Schönberg“ by C. Djerassi  with illustrations by Gabriele Seethaler, (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck 2008, (ISBN 9-783852-185552)


*223    “Il Seme di Menachem“ by C. Djerassi (Italian translation by Maria Pia Felici), Di Renzo Editore, Rome 2008, pp. 242.


224      Science on Stage: Why would a Chemist wish to write Plays?” by C. Djerassi in Canadian Chemical News, Vol. 60, No. 4, April 2008, pp, 16 – 18.


225      Dopen, aber richtig” by C. Djerassi in SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, 21 May 2008, Nr. 125, p. 2.


*226    Sex in an Age of Technological Reproduction: ICSI and Taboos” (with accompanying DVD) by C. Djerassi, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 2008. (ISBN 978-0-299-22794-4).


*227    Four Jews on Parnassus-a Conversation: Benjamin, Adorno, Scholem, Schönberg” (with accompanying CD) by C. Djerassi (illustrations by Gabriele Seethaler), Columbia University Press, New York 2008, pp. 203 (ISBN 978-0-231-14654-8).


228      Warum wir bald sehr alt ausschauen” by C. Djerassi in DER STANDARD (Austria), 13 December 2008, Album A 3.


*229    Cómo derroté a.... y otros Cuentos” by C. Djerassi (Spanish translation by Abdiel Macias), paperback edition, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico, 2008, pp. 223.


230      Visual Culture and Bioscience—an Online Symposium“  (ed. Suzanne Anker and J.D. Talasek), Issues in Cultural Theory 12, publ. by University of Maryland and Cultural Programs of National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, 2008, ISBN 978-1-890761-12-7. Contributions by C. Djerassi, pp. 24-29, 39-41, 69-70, 95-97, 146-147, 186-187,  193-195, 205. 




231      Was wäre, wenn es es die Pille nicht gäbe? By C. Djerassi in Süddeutsche Zeitung WISSEN, June 2009, p.91.


*232    Nach 70  Jahren: Wiener Amerikaner oder amerikanischer Wiener?“ By C. Djerassi,  V&R unipress, Göttingen 2009, pp. 39 (ISBN 978-3-89971-705-5).


233      “From the Pill, Pygmy Chimps, and Degas’ Horseby C. Djerassi  in Becoming Americans: Four centuries of Immigrant Writing (ed. Ilan Stavans), The Library of America, New York 2009, distributed by Penguin-USA, pp. 304 – 312..


234      Ludwig Haberlandt – Grandfather of the Pill” By C. Djerassi in Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 121, 727 – 728 (2009).


235      Three on a Couch“ by C. Djerassi in “The Best Men’s Stage Monologues and Scenes” (ed. Lawrence Harbison), Smith & Kraus Inc., Hanover, NH 2009, p. 84.




*236    Cuatro Judíos en el Parnasso-Una Conversacion: Benjamin, Adorno, Scholem, Schönberg” by C. Djerassi with illustrations by Gabriele Seethaler, (Spanish translation by Cecilia Absatz), Capital Intelectual, Buenos Aires, 2010, pp. 213 (ISBN 978-987-614-217-5).


237      Die Antibaby Pille: Schuldig oder…?“ by C. Djerassi  in „Katalog zur Ausstellung: die 60er: Beatles, Pille und Revolte,“ Schallaburg, Austria, Schallaburg Kulturbetriebsges. 2010, pp. 148-154 (ISBN 9008895009253).




*238    Foreplay“ by C. Djerassi, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 2011 (ISBN 978-0-299-2834-6).

*239    Vorspiel” by C. Djerassi (German translation by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck 2011 (ISBN 978-3-85218-673).

*240    Preludio: una historia de sexo en la Escuela de Frankfurt” by C. Djerassi (Spanish translation by Cecilia Absatz), Capital Intelectual, Buenos Aires, 2011 (ISBN 978-987-614-271-7).


*241    Marx è morto “ by C. Djerassi (Italian translation by Francesca Garofoli), Di Renzo Editore, Rome 2011.


242      La Història d l’Obra Teatral ‘Oxigen’: Ciencia i Literatura, del Paper a l’Escenari” by C. Djerassi (Catalan translation)in MÈTODE (Univ. of Valencia, Catalan edition), Nr. 69, Spring issue, 105-110 (2011).


243      La Historia de la Obra Teatral ‘Oxígeno’: Ciència y Literatura, del Papel al Escenaroi” by C. Djerassi (Spanish translation) in MÈTODE (Univ. of Valencia, Spanish edition),Nr.. 69, Spring issue, 97-102 (2011).


244      The Pilll: no heir apparent” by C. Djerassi in PROSPECT (UK) Sept. 2011, pp.76-78.


245      Synthesizing a Life: An Interview with Carl Djerassi by Liberato Cardellini, J. Chem.Educ., 88, 1366–1375 (2011)


*246    Oxigen” by C. Djerassi and R. Hoffmann (Catalan translation by Arantxa Gorostiza and Mercè Piqueras), MÈTODE, Valencia, 2011.


*247    Cálculo by C. Djerassi (Portuguese translation by Mário Montenegro), University of Coimbra Press, Coimbra 2011.


*248    Falácia” (Phallacy) by C. Djerassi (Portuguese translation by Manuel João Monte) University of Porto Press, Porto, 2011. ISBN  978-1-84816-938-8


249      99 Words” by C. Djerassi in “You have breath for no more than 99 words. What would they be?” (Liz Gray, ed.), Darton, Longman & Todd, London, 2011 (ISBN 978-0-232-52889-3


250      Foreword” by C. Djerassi in Drive and Curiosity: What fuels the passion for science” (by Istvan Hargittai), Prometheus Books, Amherst NY 2011, pp. 9 -14.




251      What can the theatre do for science and vice versa?” by C. Djerassi (Portuguese translation by Mário Montenegro)  inSinais de cena” Vol. 16, 11-16, 2012.


.*252   Chemistry-in-Theatre: Insufficiency, Phallacy or Both?” by C. Djerassi, Imperial College Press/World Scientific Publ., London and Singapore, 2012 (ISBN 10-1-84816-938-8).


*253    Ein Tagebuch des Grolls 1983-1984“ (A Diary of Pique 1983-1984,“)—a bilingual Poetry Collection—(translated by Sabine Hübner) by C. Djerassi, Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck 2012 and Univ. of Wisconsin Press, Madison 2012  (ISBN 978-3-85218-719-8)


*254    The SciArtist: Carl Djerassi’s Science-in-Literature in Transatlantic and Interdisciplinary Contexts (Walter Grünzweig, ed.), Lit Verlag, Berlin 2012, (ISBN 978-3-643-90231-3).


255      The Story of Oxygen: Science and Literature on the Page and Stage by C. Djerassi in MÈTODE (Univ. of Valencia, English edition), Annual Review 2012 SCIENCE'S METHOD, 58-64 (2012).


256      "Cuándo la“ciencia en escena”es realmente ciencia?" by Carl Djerassi in Paso de Gato: Revista Mexicana de Teatro, July-Sept. issue, 2012, pp.37-41


*257    "Chemie im Theater: Killerblumen " by Carl Djerassi, (translated by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck 2012 (ISBN 978-3-7099-7005-8)


258      "Can Research be forbidden?" by C. Djerassi in "Scientific Freedom" (ed. S. Giordano, J. Coggon & M. Cappato), Bloomsbury, London 2012, pp. 17-30.


259.     Foreword to "Der junge Ovid--eine unvollendete Biographie von Diane Middlebrook," Müry Salzmann Verlag, Salzburg, 2012, pp. 5-15. (ISBN 978-3-99014-070-3)




*260    "How I beat Coca-Cola and other Tales of One-upmanship'  by C. Djerassi,  Univ. of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 2013 (ISBN 978-0-299-29504-2)


*261    "Der Schattensammler--die allerletzte Autobiografie" by C.  Djerassi, (translated by Ursula-Maria Mössner), Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck 2013 (ISBN 978-3-85218-720-4)


*262    Oxygenby C. Djerassi and R. Hoffmann (Danish translation by Ture Damhus, Anita Kildebaek Nielsen &Berge Riis Larsen), DanskSelskab for Historisk Kemi, Copenhagen, 2013 (ISBN 978-87-89535-01-2)




*263    La Science au théâtre” by C. Djerassi (translated by Liliane Bois-Simon), Presses des Mines, Paris, 2014 (ISBN 978-2-35671-081-9).


*264    Ciencia en Teatro: C uatro Obras” (Insuficiencia, Falacia, ICSI, Tabúes) by C. Djerassi,(Spanish translation by Jorge F. Hernández and Agata Balzán), Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 2014 (ISBN 978-607-16-1969-3).


*265    Sex in een tijdperk van technologische reproductiveby C. Djerassi (Dutch translation by Gerard Stout), Ter Verpoozing, Peize 2014 (ISBN 978-0-299-22790-6)


*266    In Retrospect: From the Pill to the Pen” (autobiography) by C. Djerassi, Imperial College Press, London 2014 (ISBN 978-1-78326-532-9).


267      Unbeflecktby C. Djerassi, DIE WELT, Aug. 13, 2014, p. 2 (Forum).


268      The Divorce of Coitus from Reproduction” by C. Djerassi, The New York Review of Books, Vol. LXI, No 14, Sept. 25, 2014, pp 80-81.


269      Walter Benjamin’s Angel and Hitler,“ by C. Djerassi, The New York Review of Books, Vol. LXI, No 14, Sept. 25, 2014, pp 89.


270      Unbefleckt zum Wunschkindby C. Djerassi, NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG, Sept. 24, 2014, p.38.


271      Unbefleckte Empfängnis” by C. Djerassi. SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG,  Nov. 14, 2014, p.2 (Thema des Tages).